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Arrhythmia Treatment in Kozhikode

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Ad Posted: 08 December 2022 Ad Expire: 08 January 2023
Name of Advertiser
Meitra Hospital
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Building No. /-B Karaparamba – Kundupar
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Mini Bypass Rd, Edakkad, Kerala , India
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Building No. /-B Karaparamba – Kunduparamba, Mini Bypass Rd, Edakkad, Kerala , India
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Advertisement Description

At Meitra Hospital, for Arrhythmia treatment in Kozhikode the doctor will usually do a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history and symptoms. Some tests to diagnose heart Arrhythmia in Kozhikode are ECG, Holter monitor, Echocardiogram, Implantable loop recorder, Stress test, Tilt table test, Electrophysiological testing and mapping. Oem to Meitra Hospital for advanced arrhythmia treatment in Kozhikode. The Arrhythmia treatment in Kozhikode is advanced with the best cardiologists in Kozhikode, Kerala at Meitra Hospital. The hospital provides comprehensive heart treatment in Kerala with the top heart specialist in India. Book appointment for best arrhythmia treatment in Kerala https://www.meitra.../disease-details/arrythmia.

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